
Thursday, December 13, 2012

WHAT A FAMILY! by Grace Tran

        The members of my family is my mom, and dad. There's also my aunt, two cousins, and my uncle. And of course, me.
        My mom is the boss of the family and the tough one. She's in charge when it comes to certain things. My dad's the mean one. He's also the one stressing out the most. My aunt is always bringing me to fun places and giving me toys, I love her. My cousin, Jasymne is also stressing out. She has a tough attitude just like my mom. My other cousin, Madison, is a swimming athlete. However, unlike my other cousin, Madison is the fun one. She likes candy as much as I do and she loves to play with me. When I'm bored, I always go to her apartment to play. Her dad, my uncle, is tall, and muscular. He used to be a firefighter and a paramedic.
        My family is special because my mom's side of the family is from China. My dad's side is from Vietnam. Right now, I'm learning some Vietnamese. As for my Chinese, its Okay. My family are also strict Buddhist believers, and there are not many families that believe in Buddhism nowadays.
        I feel the best thing about my family is. . . EVERYTHING! I LOVE believing in Buddhism, and being half Vietnamese and Chinese. My family is the most wonderful family anyone could ever wish for.


Anonymous said...

Your family is just too cool for words. : ) Coach Jen

Anonymous said...

I love your mom being tough. Tough mom raises good kids.
You've vividly describe everyone in your family. Nice!

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