is a warm sunny morning; you are just chilling…until you hear your mom calling
you to do the most dreaded thing, chores. You are now stuck with a stack of
chores. Is all this hating necessary? Aren’t the chores a good thing? Well,
there are many reasons why chores are actually worth doing.
You are a college freshman. You just
arrived at Stony Brook and you are hungry. You whip up some eggs, potatoes, and
salmon so you won’t starve. It has been a week; you have decided to do some
vacuuming. This is where chores come in handy as well. If you have done chores,
you would know how to wash dishes and vacuum. Once you know how to do all
these, you are independent. Chores can turn you from a lazy grasshopper into a
diligent ant.
Your dad, your uncle, your mom, and your
aunt all tell you this - you have to keep responsibilities. How will you start?
With chores! Chores will get you into gear to keep responsibilities. If you do
not like doing laundry, doing laundry will make you responsible. If you do your
own laundry, you will not have to wait for your favorite jeans to be out of the
laundry. According to Mr. Lih Wang, a dad, “Chores can give you a sense of
responsibility.” I agree: chores can keep you on your feet.
Chores can help YOU manage your money.
How? If you get paid $1.25 to vacuum the house, this gives you an opportunity
to learn how much to save and how much to spend. If you save your money, you
won’t have to ask your parents for $45 dollars to buy the Super Smash Bros
game. According to Mr. Lih Wang, “Chores can help you manage your money.”
Furthermore, chores can turn you into the best money managin’ kid.
You might say chores are, well, boring; I
can learn to be responsible later. Once you are older, it is harder to switch
to a new thing. It has happened to me before. I said I would always cross out
the day before that day out on the calendar every morning. This pretty much
backfired because I couldn’t change to get up early to do it. I am not a
morning person. My dad also can’t change his ways. He has been saying he will
clean the basement, but he hasn’t done that yet. (That was a few years ago. Our
basement still has a lot of junk.) According to Mr. Lih Wang, MY DAD, “It is
better to start now than later.” Now everyone, do your chores!
Ten years later, you are at Stony Brook
College. You have cooked, cleaned, and you have enough money to pay for
tuition. You wonder how you have gone this far in life. Well, I will tell you
why. Because you have done your chores!
Branden, another convincing essay! Well done! After reading your essay, there is no excuse for anyone not to do chores. My one question is - what chores do you do? : )
Great job! Your essay is very well written. It is very very convincing.
Your cousin C.H.
B, very convincing examples. I can't wait to try out your cooking. Goo Goo. :)
Very well organized and great examples.
I promise to clear the basement soon!!
You really pulled my attention into the essay, it was well written and definitely displayed you as a writer. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!
Thank you for the great advise.
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