Well... it is 2015, a new year. Why not
make a new postage stamp? This stamp will be different; it must not have some
tree or some meadow on it. It will be like no other postage stamp; it will have
a president’s face on it. Which president’s face? You ask. It shall be
President William Jefferson Blythe III aka Bill Clinton’s face on the postage
you know president Bill Clinton is ranked the 12th best president
out of 43 presidents? That is pretty good, you agree? George H.W. Bush, George
W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and finally, Herbert Hoover aka, the ____
who started the great depression do not deserve a stamp (sorry guys but you
were not good presidents). Both the Bushes lowered taxes and believed that
companies do not need a government’s permission to do things *boo*. During
Jimmy Carter’s presidency, the interest rate was 25% *thumbs down*. Ronald
Regan kept borrowing money from other countries, and only three years into his
presidency, the US already owed 4.7 trillion dollars ($4,700,000,000,000)
*tomatoes being thrown*. Finally, the ____ who started the great depression,
Herbert Hoover - that man caused the whole great depression business *boos,
thumbs down, and tomatoes being thrown*. Bill Clinton deserves a postage stamp.
When he was in office, unemployment fell from 6.8% to 3.6% *oh yeah*. The stock
market average rose from 3,651 to 10,788-a surprising 26.7% a year *clapping
and oh yeahs*. Don’t you think Bill Clinton needs something to be on?
Clinton, he is a classic! Bill Clinton may have fewer enemies than other former
presidents, making it safer to put him on a postage stamp. If we put George
Washington on a postage stamp, the English might say “Hey, why can’t we put
King George the III on a postage stamp?” If we put Abraham Lincoln a postage
stamp, the southerners might say “Why can’t we put Jefferson Davis or Robert E.
Lee on a postage stamp?” And if we put Andrew Jackson on a postage stamp, the
English might say “Hey, why can’t we put King George III on a postage stamp?”
As you can see, many presidents have many enemies, but Bill Clinton does not
have many enemies so when we put him on a postage stamp, we will not get into a
fight, if you know what I mean.
We are not in the
19th century any more. George Washington, Valley Forge, Trenton, Yorktown,
does that ring a bell? Yes, because you already know who are George Washington,
John Adams, Tomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Abraham Lincoln - everyone
knows them. Why not change it up a bit and give a more modern person a chance?
The people in the 18th to 19th century had their chance
to have the spotlight a long time ago - seriously, a long time ago. Let us
give the spotlight to someone else in the 20th to the 21st century a chance.
This person cannot be JFK (John Fitzgerald Kennedy) or FDR (Franklin Delano
Roosevelt) because they already got their spotlight 45 to 100 years ago. Bill
Clinton is the guy you want, he is current, and he is important.
You might say he
let Osama Bin Laden get away. Well, news flash, Osama Bin Laden was killed a
few years back. You can leave the past now and step into the future. Bill
Clinton had kept the economy well for 8 years, and the economy also had extra
money to spend, unlike when we had the Bushes or Reagan. Bill also paid what we
owed the other countries we borrowed money from. I think you should stop
worrying about the past and think about the present.
It is 2015. New this. New that. New
everything, and possibly a new stamp with Bill Clinton’s face on it. Good idea,
right? Now I have another question. Do you still have time? We are going to have
to persuade the postage-stamp makers to make a stamp with Bill Clinton’s face
on it.
Branden, you have outdone yourself! This is hilarious; I couldn't stop laughing throughout the essay. You clearly had done extensively research on presidents before deciding on Bill. I am convinced; Bill has my vote!
Excellent piece! Bravo!
This really cracked me up.....
Great, great job.
Well done!!
Your title is amazing and keep up that creativity!!! Can't wait to read your next essay!!!
Brandon, you must have done a considerable amount of research when writing this article. President Bill Clinton should be honored to accept your nomination. Nice work! BTW, have you thought of sending this article to him?
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